Introduction of the Field

The Field of Electrical, Electronics, and Information Engineering

Many professionals in the fields of electrical, electronic, and computer science are required to promote research and development for further advanced information-oriented society for each element of social and daily activities. In order to meet these social demands, this domain focuses on the following points in education and research.

The fields covered by this domain have a wide range, from material properties to electronic circuits / electrical equipment and information systems, deeply connected with each field of "electrical equipment", "precision industry", "telecommunication", "services" in the industry. We aim to develop engineers and researchers who can respond to rapid technological innovation by having sufficient and specialized academic capability and advanced knowledge in a specialized field of electric, electronic, communication, and information. Our concrete educational policies include:

  1. providing a comprehensive curriculum throughout the fields of electric, electronics, communications, and information for students to acquire a solid and specialized foundation and advanced knowledge;
  2. giving each student an advanced theme for research and letting them experience research activities on site, as they will cultivate creative minds and practical skills; and
  3. having students present their studies at both domestic and international academic conferences, and interacting with researchers within and outside of Japan to experience active and independent presentation skills, as well as international communication abilities.
Field of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering